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腾讯云正在大促:点击直达 阿里云超级红包:点击领取



Amazon Web Services(AWS)是一个流行的云计算平台,很多公司和个人都在使用它。AWS最大的优势是它可以帮助用户以更低的成本获得更好的性能,同时还有丰富的服务和灵活的配置选项。如果你想探索云计算世界,AWS的免费一年计划是个不错的选择。


首先需要知道的是,AWS的免费一年计划只有一些服务是真正免费的,其他服务在使用量达到一定水平后就需要支付费用。这个计划是向新人开放的,只有在注册 AWS 帐户后的 12 个月内才能申请。另外,这个计划只限于公司用户,不包括个人用户。


750小时的 EC2 Linux 和 Windows 主机

5 GB 的 Amazon S3 存储

20,000 个 Amazon DynamoDB 请求单位

1000 条 Amazon Simple Queue Service(SQS)消息

100 万个 AWS Lambda 请求




前往AWS官网,然后点击“创建 AWS 帐户”按钮。












AWS Free Tier Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a popular cloud computing platform used by many businesses and individuals. The biggest advantage of AWS is that it can help users get better performance at a lower cost, with rich services and flexible configuration options. If you want to explore the world of cloud computing, AWS' free-tier plan is a good starting point.

Introduction to AWS Free Tier

First, it is important to note that only some of AWS' services are truly free for the first year, and other services start to incur costs when usage reaches a certain level. This plan is open only to new users, and can be applied for within 12 months of registering an AWS account. Additionally, this plan is only available to enterprise users, not individual users.

Under the free-tier plan, AWS offers the following services:

750 hours of EC2 Linux and Windows servers

5 GB of Amazon S3 storage

20,000 units of Amazon DynamoDB request

1000 Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) messages

1 million AWS Lambda requests

These services are not completely free, but have certain restrictions and usage limits. If you exceed these limits, you will need to pay to continue using these services.

How to sign up for AWS Free Tier

Signing up for AWS Free Tier is easy, follow these steps:

Go to the AWS website and click the "Create an AWS Account" button.

Fill out the registration form as directed.

Enter your credit card information for verification purposes.

Enter the AWS console and apply the "Free Tier" layer.

Choose the services you want to use and start the free trial.

Remember to learn and use various AWS services as much as possible within 12 months to better experience their functionality. If you do not want to continue using AWS services, remember to delete the AWS account after the end of the free usage period to avoid unnecessary costs.

Why use AWS

The advantages of using AWS are obvious:

First of all, its flexibility and scalability. You can adjust and expand servers and storage space according to your needs. Additionally, AWS provides different pricing options, including on-demand and prepaid options, which can help better control costs.

Second, AWS has powerful services. It offers a variety of services, including computing, storage, databases, network, machine learning, and security, that can meet various application scenarios.

Finally, AWS has stability and security. Its global infrastructure and monitoring system ensure high availability and reliability of services, while also providing various security measures.

In summary, AWS' free-tier plan is a good starting point for beginners and small to medium-sized businesses. Its flexibility, powerful features, and stable security are its advantages, while also providing a variety of payment modes and pricing options that you can choose from according to your needs. Remember to delete the AWS account in a timely manner after using the service to avoid unnecessary costs.

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4、免费服务器:雨云【 点击直达 】了解.
10年老程序吐血建议:云产品续费贵,【点此 】抢腾讯云3年5年服务器,升级贵,选配置高的,新人首购便宜,不要浪费新人首购资格,一次到位,后期少花钱、少折腾。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: